I may be slightly obssesed with Lana Del #Slay

13:25 robben 0 Comments

Good evening 10:14 pm here and I still have a headache from 5 hours ago. Right now the only thing I'm trying to do is not take medication because I'm sort of on a detox from unhealthy everything (food,drinks,pills and thoughts).  While trying to figure the source of my pain I turned to the SLAY album of my life right now which is ULTRAVIOLENCE by the one and only LANA DEL SLAYYYYYY (cause thats what she does).
 My favourite tracks seem to be Shades of Cool, Guns and Roses and Fucked My Way Up To The Top. I've always love Lana's music but what surprised me is how much Indie and DreamPop music I have been listening to lately, other then Lana the Arctic Monkeys' new song "Snap Out Of It" ...just ....pure.....#SlayBitch but the amazingly how actress in their music video makes it even better.
 I apologize to my neighbors for making them listen to awesome music all day ....so sincere....shut up.
Anyway, I shall not allow the WorldCup ruin my Friday Night, and if a "not ruined night" means blogging then yes I shall.