Books and Movies that inspire me to change my life
Books and Movies that inspire me to change my life
What brilliant mastermind story tellers come up with such ideas that can cause me to loose sleep over. ...
09:57 robben 0 Comments
What brilliant mastermind story tellers come up with such ideas that can cause me to loose sleep over. ...
14:44 robben 0 Comments
It seemed today that the universe was in favor of my reinvention...well at least my dad was when he decided to repaint my room. We were supposed to paint it together but that plan fell through as soon as we started bickering like crazy only because my room was a pigs sty. Aside from the external renovation at home...
14:01 robben 0 Comments
A few years ago in my less mature state of mind I would have spent hours worrying about every second thing that would happen that day. I had a tendency to replay every moment over and over again in my head until i had figured the motives, emotions and people that lead me to certain actions, but that is...
02:33 robben 0 Comments
I woke up today at 11 am, which in summer is my regular time to wake up. I looked around and everyone was still sleeping. I don't understand.....we went to bed at the same time, did the same things the day before, ate the same food and somehow my body can wake me up but yours can't ...
12:26 robben 0 Comments
Spent the entire day chilling in the villa. The storm wouldn't go away and by the time everyone woke up the weather had gotten worse in the sense that it was colder. We ate we laughed and went for a walk where I finally had time to fulfill my passion for photography and take some of the pics you're...
01:34 robben 0 Comments
11am ...its raining. Everyone's asleap. I hope the storm goes away soon. ...
12:21 robben 0 Comments
I'm all for being independent and respect people with their own peace of mind, but there comes a time when you just have to go with the crowd. This is usually because of one of two things: You want to fit in or You need to fit in. And needing to fit in is where I'm at so that's...